My only question for Madam Vice President

If I could ask Vice President Harris one question, this is it…

3 min readOct 6, 2024
Photo by Alison Saeng from Unsplash

Election Day 2024 in America is under one month away, and some Americans have not made up their minds. Polls are close among decided voters, and they reveal just how polarized the country seems, or do they? Although I can’t vote this year, many of my colleagues are, and their choice is their choice.

During a friend conversation at work a few weeks back, a few of my male colleagues voice their woes about VP Harris. I will not repeat their exact opinions on this platform. But solid points were made both for and against having VP Harris as the next president. After an hour-long chat, one nagging question or rather concern occupied my thoughts for days. So here is my question to you, madam VP, if you ever see it.

How will you demand respect in a masculine-governed world and maintain feminine sensitivity for domestic issues?

Madam VP, if you ever read this article here are me two simple reasons for asking this question:

Men demand respect and show off characteristics of masculinity from a leadership position- “pissing contest”




My name is Abika, I started writing like everyone did to earn money during the pandemic now I just enjoy it. Medicine is my specialty but except lots more.